Dr. Julie Bussman
Licensed Clinical Psychologist
Hours & Location
Offering telehealth (video therapy) and phone call appointments!
To schedule an intake appointment, call (507) 884-2206, or e-mail me at drjuliebussman@hush.com
Apts available Mondays - Saturdays
9am - 3:30pm. Call 507-884-2206 to schedule an appointment.
Welcome to Julie Bussman, PhD, LP Therapeutic Services
I welcome the opportunity to meet with you. Your first appointment begins with a thorough assessment. This allows me an opportunity to effectively consider your unique history and the reasons why you have decided to engage in psychological treatment.
Treatment planning for each client is then begun, with your ideas and goals incorporated. You are an active participant in this process.
Sessions are scheduled at your convenience. Treatment is routinely reviewed to assure progress and benefit from services.